Jan 16, 2012

martin luther king jr monday

when I was in 6th grade i entered the school's speech contest. My speech was on Martin Luther King Jr. We had just finished learning about his life and knew he was the one i wanted to write about.  i started out by reciting his "i have a dream" speech. i remember reciting it in the same manor and voice as he did. i had to give my speech in front of the entire school i was so nervous that people would laugh at that part. A few did, but one of the "cool" boys came up to me afterwards and said it was his favorite part...
I went on to state and although i didn't take 1st, i did pretty well. :)

unfortunately, like other holidays, the meaning behind the day becomes lost. today, i will take a moment to reflect upon his life and achievements. I'm grateful for this man who made a difference. He knew what was right and fought for it.  It can be hard to do the right thing, even on your own. But its harder when so many people are outwardly fighting against you.
Thank you M.L.K.  Jr

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