Mar 1, 2011

just get to THE POINT

We took Karn up to the North Shore for the day, and between me and anyone else who reads this, the North share isn't all that. Yes if you are a hardcore surfer, but I prefer the beaches in Kailua so much more.

Before pulling up to the beach Ryan took us to The Point. You drive out and there's this land that takes you out into the water. It's such a pretty view on both sides and the waves come crashing up on the rocks. I took our beach mat to the point so we could have our lunch out there and some tourist actually asked me, "Are you going to go sun bathe out there?" Um, no. but good idea. I guess this spot is more of a scenic point to come take pictures. Needless to say we had a few stares as we laid our mat out at the point to eat lunch in our swimsuits. After lunch we all posed for our Fantasia pictures before moving on to the beach...

We went to Castles beach and did some boogie boarding. It dawned on me that we have been here since December and I just went boogie boarding this week. What have I been doing this whole time? Apparently everything but boogie boarding.

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